Domain Musing

8:19 PM

What do you think a good domain to replace the current domain of this blog? Well, since last year my head had been fighting and arguing whether to change the domain name. When I bought this domain I have different niche in mind which obviously did not realized so soon. Most of my entry in this blog are shopping stuff, giveaway, and gooddies. The domain name of this blog is but the entry not all gossip. Aside from the domain name, the price also for the renewal is quiet expensive. My friend and I wasn't aware that the renewal would cost that much. Couple of reasons why I cannot just change the domain are first is, the blog domain has pr2 already and second is It's a hassle emailing all the paid to blog site. Thus i am willing to give up all these just to have the right niche for this blog.

So, any idea for a domain name that fits to the shopping, goodies, freebies, contest and giveaway? Would appreciate some suggestion from you ladies and friends.

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