My sister Jijie bought a Pea Coat leather jacket but it's too big for her. She already have leather jacket so she called me if i am interested to buy it for $50. Her friends wanted to buy it but she offered it first to me since I was looking for leader jacket. I had a leather jacket but i don like using it. I even though of selling it on ebay of give it away. Anyhow, i like the jacket so i bought it from her for $50, and she said the original price for this is $250+. Well, I like the leather jacket and it's perfect for all season.
My sister Jijie bought a Pea Coat leather jacket but it's too big for her. She already have leather jacket so she called me if i am interested to buy it for $50. Her friends wanted to buy it but she offered it first to me since I was looking for leader jacket. I had a leather jacket but i don like using it. I even though of selling it on ebay of give it away. Anyhow, i like the jacket so i bought it from her for $50, and she said the original price for this is $250+. Well, I like the leather jacket and it's perfect for all season.
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