
Know More about Nopalea

4:54 AM

Everyday our bodies are exposed to toxins in varying degrees. Toxins are poisonous substances that harm our body. They are commonly found in processed foods, polluted air and even in pesticides and common household chemicals like bleach among other things. These are the major factors that cause inflammation. For some people, inflammation only causes minor discomfort that goes away after awhile. This may be true but if it is not treated properly, it will progress and would result in chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation causes deadly chronic diseases.

There are several ways to prevent or reduce inflammation. This includes improving one’s eating habit, engaging in a regular exercise regimen and making a conscious effort to prevent exposure to common toxins. Another would be to take a wellness drink like Nopalea.

Nopalea is manufactured by Trivita, a 12-year old company whose goal is to help people pursue physical, spiritual and emotional health. Nopalea is sourced from the fruit Nopla cactus of the Opuntia Ficus Indica variety. The rare antioxidants called Betalains, which have been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of inflammation, can be found in heavy concentration in the fruit Nopla cactus.

This anti-inflammatory wellness drink has already sold over 3 million bottles. You can try Nopalea for free by calling 1-800-203-7063 (you only have to pay $9.95 for shipping).

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