My order last week from just arrived this morning in our mail. I took advantage of their free shipping for orders over than $50. I had headache shopping at their site becuase most of the item I like was not available and out of stock. I even asked lulu to have shopping so my orders will reach $50 but we both got frustrated with most of their items. We stopped the shopping that night and find other website but it was late already so we just called it a night. The next day I went back to their site and finished what I started and just added couple of items to make it $50. That was a stressful shopping instead of stress relieving. I dealt with all that crap because I wanted this sandal how pathetic hehehe. It's 4 1/2 inches can you imagine how many inches would be added to my height if I wear this? lmaoI'll show the rest of the sexy dress I got from them. Yours mamilu is on the way.
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