A Frozen Pipe and More

9:01 PM

Husband had our heater and broiler fixed up as we gearing up for the winter season. It's better to be prepared at all times. Well, this week the weather dropped to below zero. School was close and classes got canceled because of the severe weather condition. The space heater was working well and warm us up inside the house but unexpectedly the water pipe froze. There is one water pipe that froze but the rest was fine. Who would have thought that despite of the preparation, this bad weather condition still able to give us problem. Now husband made a list of items he is going to buy including tools that are useful in fixing everything from water pipe to even car. Plenty of things and problem might occur during winter such as car trouble, frozen pipe, broken gutter and more. Anyway, he used my money to pay for the plumber that did not do anything at all because the water pipe still frozen up until now. He was trying to fix the pipe but I am not sure if he did it.

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