My father enjoys music and love to have an incredible speaker to brag about to his friends. He likes music and if he gets bored he sometime do kareoke while having some beers. I went online and saw at the The Source amazing selection of speakers including surround speakers, indoor and outdoor speaker that my father would surely love. This type of speaker is in his wish list but stop monitoring about it because of the money. He is okay with the speakers he has right now at home but not loud enough to provide great sounds. The speaker we have at home has been in our family for over 15 years now and still doing okay. I wish I can buy my father a new speaker to replace that old speaker and make one of his wish list come true.
What brand of perfume do you use and can't live without? Well, I like perfume but I don't use it all the time. There are tons of perfume brands all over the world, if you name them you sure will run out time or perhaps skip lots of them. Speaking of perfume, there are also many Hollywood star making their own brand name of perfume and clothing line. Paris Hilton, the Kardashian, and much more are just the few of them. Well, if you are collection perfume spray maybe you should include narciso rodriguez fragrance in your list. This is one of the best brand of perfume spray in UK. You will certaily love the smell and fragrance of this perfume. Feel free to visit the link above and brows at their collection of Narciso Rodriguez Women's Fragrance or Men's perhaps. This perfume can also be a great gift ideas that you can give to your friends and family on special occasion and this coming Christmas of course.
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You made it past your first date; she had a great time, right? Your second date is set up and you are looking for ways to really impress her. You are reading this to gain some insight and ideas. The problem with other similar articles is that they only list suggestions that match one type of personality, without addressing other personalities. They may be great ideas, but you may not have found something that matches your personality.
Here are a few tips you can utilize on your second date. More importantly, each idea will benefit a certain type of personality. There will be at least one idea that can truly benefit you.
Personality type: Outgoing/fun-loving/adventurous
Your first date was a time for the both of you to learn each other. Now, this date is a time for the both of you to learn what each other enjoy. From your first date, you should have learned what she likes to do. If you both are fun and outgoing, this date should be a dance date. Pick a great place for dancing and make it an all-night event.
Comedy club
Personality type: Quiet/introverted/easygoing
Your first night was probably a movie or dinner, but this night is a time for you guys to relax a little more. The first dates are always stressful -- almost like an interview. You both exchange questions and comments, learning a little more about each other. Now that the interview is over, it is time to actually have some fun. If the both of you enjoy quiet nights, you will have fun at a comedy club. Enjoy your time laughing at another person's jokes and reflect on your night afterwards.
However, depending on your morals or standards, you may want to be meticulous about your comedian. If your date does not like offensive language or crude jokes, you will want to find a comedian that has a clean act.
Riding around
Personality type: adventurous/profound/deep-thinker/outgoing
Some of the best times are spent riding around and enjoying each other’s' company. You may have learned a lot about your date the first night, but perhaps you can learn even more on the second date.
Drive with no destination; visit the places you find interesting; make your second date completely random. The excitement is enough to keep the date interesting.
Stay in the house
Personality type: Homebody/Introverted/profound/outgoing
You may think that staying in for a second date is boring, but in reality, it can be a very special kind of date. It gives your date the chance to see who you are as a person. Some people may think the second date is too soon for such a personal date, but others enjoy the chance to really see who their date is so early in the relationship.
Hopefully these ideas will help you with your second date. Perhaps you can elaborate on some of the suggestions and add your own twist to them. Have fun and let love grow.
Christy Levine currently writes for eDrugstore.MD, an online facilitator for discreet medications such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra online. Laura has extensive background in health and wellness and enjoys offering her tips on the eDrugstore.MD Health Article Section
Here are a few tips you can utilize on your second date. More importantly, each idea will benefit a certain type of personality. There will be at least one idea that can truly benefit you.
Personality type: Outgoing/fun-loving/adventurous
Your first date was a time for the both of you to learn each other. Now, this date is a time for the both of you to learn what each other enjoy. From your first date, you should have learned what she likes to do. If you both are fun and outgoing, this date should be a dance date. Pick a great place for dancing and make it an all-night event.
Comedy club
Personality type: Quiet/introverted/easygoing
Your first night was probably a movie or dinner, but this night is a time for you guys to relax a little more. The first dates are always stressful -- almost like an interview. You both exchange questions and comments, learning a little more about each other. Now that the interview is over, it is time to actually have some fun. If the both of you enjoy quiet nights, you will have fun at a comedy club. Enjoy your time laughing at another person's jokes and reflect on your night afterwards.
However, depending on your morals or standards, you may want to be meticulous about your comedian. If your date does not like offensive language or crude jokes, you will want to find a comedian that has a clean act.
Riding around
Personality type: adventurous/profound/deep-thinker/outgoing
Some of the best times are spent riding around and enjoying each other’s' company. You may have learned a lot about your date the first night, but perhaps you can learn even more on the second date.
Drive with no destination; visit the places you find interesting; make your second date completely random. The excitement is enough to keep the date interesting.
Stay in the house
Personality type: Homebody/Introverted/profound/outgoing
You may think that staying in for a second date is boring, but in reality, it can be a very special kind of date. It gives your date the chance to see who you are as a person. Some people may think the second date is too soon for such a personal date, but others enjoy the chance to really see who their date is so early in the relationship.
Hopefully these ideas will help you with your second date. Perhaps you can elaborate on some of the suggestions and add your own twist to them. Have fun and let love grow.
Christy Levine currently writes for eDrugstore.MD, an online facilitator for discreet medications such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra online. Laura has extensive background in health and wellness and enjoys offering her tips on the eDrugstore.MD Health Article Section
A friend of mine is asking me to go with her to a pool party. I have not said yes or no yet as I have apprehensions, I am afraid and not that confident to wear swimsuits. But I salute my friend, she is a plus size woman and she still can flaunt her healthy figure even wearing plus size swimwear when the occasion calls. As for me, I still have a hard time reconciling the fact of showing off some skin, I am not used to it. Even though it is a common thing here, I still find it difficult to get into a swimsuit. But if there is really a need to wear one, like accompanying my kids in a children’s pool, then I am left with no choice. With regards to my friend’s invitation, I still have to think about it. If ever I’d go, I will not be wearing any swimming attire. I will just be there for my friend.
I don't understand though why of all party event ideas, she picked a pool party when it's 40 degrees outside. It's warmer during the day but the weather temperature is unpredictable. Another thing is, I feel awkward hanging out with this people because they are more of husband's friend. And the husband also don't like swimming.
I don't understand though why of all party event ideas, she picked a pool party when it's 40 degrees outside. It's warmer during the day but the weather temperature is unpredictable. Another thing is, I feel awkward hanging out with this people because they are more of husband's friend. And the husband also don't like swimming.
‘Sexiest Man Alive’ Bradley Cooper
Image and Source from
Ryan Reynolds was named 2010 "Sexiest Man Alive, published in People Magazine. That time he was still with ex-wife Scarlet Johansson who was also anointed as GQ's "Babe of the Year. Thus, they both named as Earth Sexiest Couple. Too bad this two did not last that long and is now divorced from each other.
Jonny Deep, a 46-year-old actor’s second time as 2009 Sexiest Man Alive who also won the same title in 2003.
People magazine has bestowed the title of "Sexiest Man Alive" this year to the actor Bradley Cooper. But seems like it stirs Backlash on the Web and received an overwhelming "no" vote. I would vote for yes though. Those former Sexiest men alive such George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Richard Gere, and the rest are all done and past their age. Ryan Gosling was good looking and yest I find him sexy but Bradley Cooper's body looks manly.
It's very obvious that spending too much time sitting down like blogging activity or simply doing research on the computer all day perhaps should be discourage. You wouldn't want to experience spine problem or osteoporosis for having the same position all day. Do not abuse the fact that we have strong spinal cord or we have advance technology from laser spine institute that can help fix the problem. Caring for your health and awareness would still a good practice. Stretch your body more often and avoid too much time sitting. Also drink milk as it is a good source for calcium that our body bones need. I feel back pain lots of time though especially if I'm blogging. Definitely, a not healthy activity and I should minimize it.
We just bought this house last May. Babger was teary eyed after the closing day. I understand why he felt such intense feeling and was overjoyed because here in the US, owning a house is like the an American dream. We moved in last June of this year and now we are trying to start putting new stuff inside and outside. We need new mail box and also looking for house plaques that would fit in our house. This is not in the priority list but eventually we need this to make this house look like ours. The address of this house is very easy to locate because it's just closer to the parkway. The moment to cross the intersection in the small street from the bridge and make a right turn. It's a very safe neighborhood and right down the corner was a gas station where a car cop always visible.
It is considered a gift and a blessing if you have perfect vision. If you happen to have perfect eyesight then you are lucky because you do not need a pair of eyeglasses as your aid to see things clearly. Eyeglasses apparently is a very important thing used by individual with bad eyesight. It is cheaper than contact lens. For some people they use eyeglasses as fashion, trend and style. While other they really have bad eye sight that they needed to use eyeglasses. Since not every body can afford to buy contact lenses they go with expensive eye glasses to make sure that it will work wonders to their vision. However, not all of us can afford for expensive eye glasses. Plus with our busy day, we do not have time to go to an optometrist, get a prescription, look for the perfect pair and compare prices. Why go all through that hassles when you can buy a good pair of eye glasses at Zenni Optical. You can now buy a pair of eyeglasses that as good as branded eyeglasses with the style you want and a price you can afford. They use the latest modern materials, manufacturing and marketing systems and they bring their product direct from the factories to yours. They only sell their own manufactured brand ZENNI. It is a quality product and practical to use. Zennioptical is one of the biggest names when it comes to eye glasses. They provide a fashionable and stylish product and more importantly, prescription eyeglasses with very high quality, great durability, safety and comfortable at truly reasonable and affordable prices. Check out the site now by clicking the link provided.
For those who don't like to camp out at their favorite store or don't like braving the crowds on Black Friday, the best alternative that still allows shoppers to capture similar deals is Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday is the day when people flock to their computers in order to start their Holiday shopping, purchase something that they have been wanting all year or to purchase the items that were already sold out on Black Friday.
Cyber Monday began as a marketing scheme by which is a part of the National Trade Association to drum up more interest in the eCommerce world and it worked. In 2006, online retail business rose 25% from 2005. Since then, shoppers who prefer to skip Black Friday and enjoy their Thanksgiving weekend at home, shop on Cyber Monday from the comfort of their computers.
Retailers will release tidbits and enough information to entice shoppers to shop on Cyber Monday. Make no mistake; the goal of retailers is to get you to shop. Most online businesses will offer free shipping. Retailers understand that with free shipping, consumers are more likely to purchase more big tickets items since you don't have to worry about how to get the item home.
The same strategies that apply to saving while shopping during Black Friday still apply to Cyber Monday. It may be easier to go over budget during Cyber Monday, so it's a good idea to plan ahead. Make a list of items you plan to purchase and how much you plan to spend overall. Once you have your list, check the print Black Friday ads to get an idea of what prices are looking like this year, then do some comparison shopping online. There are a few reliable apps that can be used which pull up the price of an item at various stores online and in-store so that you can compare. Just using Google will give you a good start.
As it gets closer to Cyber Monday, the deals released will get better. Not everything goes on sale though. Expect for big ticket items in Electronics to drop by as much as 20-30%. Toys are the other category where there will be significant price drops. The best websites to start shopping at are those that specialize in online business such as Amazon. From there visit your favorite brick and mortars site as many times they have deals that can only be found online.
Cyber Monday is a great way to take advantage of similar sales as Black Friday without having to deal with the crowds. Staying organized and doing something comparison shopping will allow for maximum savings.
Laura Hopkins holds a B.A in Literature and currently writes for, a safe online facilitator for consumers who buy Viagra online and other safe FDA-approved medications such as Levitra. Laura uses her research scientist skills to cover health and wellness and uncover big pharma news she shares on the AccessRx Blog
Cyber Monday began as a marketing scheme by which is a part of the National Trade Association to drum up more interest in the eCommerce world and it worked. In 2006, online retail business rose 25% from 2005. Since then, shoppers who prefer to skip Black Friday and enjoy their Thanksgiving weekend at home, shop on Cyber Monday from the comfort of their computers.
Retailers will release tidbits and enough information to entice shoppers to shop on Cyber Monday. Make no mistake; the goal of retailers is to get you to shop. Most online businesses will offer free shipping. Retailers understand that with free shipping, consumers are more likely to purchase more big tickets items since you don't have to worry about how to get the item home.
The same strategies that apply to saving while shopping during Black Friday still apply to Cyber Monday. It may be easier to go over budget during Cyber Monday, so it's a good idea to plan ahead. Make a list of items you plan to purchase and how much you plan to spend overall. Once you have your list, check the print Black Friday ads to get an idea of what prices are looking like this year, then do some comparison shopping online. There are a few reliable apps that can be used which pull up the price of an item at various stores online and in-store so that you can compare. Just using Google will give you a good start.
As it gets closer to Cyber Monday, the deals released will get better. Not everything goes on sale though. Expect for big ticket items in Electronics to drop by as much as 20-30%. Toys are the other category where there will be significant price drops. The best websites to start shopping at are those that specialize in online business such as Amazon. From there visit your favorite brick and mortars site as many times they have deals that can only be found online.
Cyber Monday is a great way to take advantage of similar sales as Black Friday without having to deal with the crowds. Staying organized and doing something comparison shopping will allow for maximum savings.
Laura Hopkins holds a B.A in Literature and currently writes for, a safe online facilitator for consumers who buy Viagra online and other safe FDA-approved medications such as Levitra. Laura uses her research scientist skills to cover health and wellness and uncover big pharma news she shares on the AccessRx Blog
Fashion don't last and so is trends, styles and fads. They come and go but they sure leave effect to people. However, when the effect is incredible and real then it's phenomenon that will change people's lives for the better. Think how many people today suffering from obesity and they spend lots of time searching for the right supplement that really works. Perhaps, others are asking if there is really a weight loss supplement that works? There are a lot of diet fads that come and go these days. You can easily grab a pack or bottle of supplement in the shelves at the nearest pharmacy or over the counter pharmacy. But none of you ever tried the african mango supplements. Well, this is new in the market and apparently already shown effectiveness among users.
What is African mango by the way? African Mango is the fruit of the Irvingino tree. This Asian tree in African based produces fruit, which is very similar in taste, size, texture and appearance to regular mango. It shown to have a powerful effect on the body's ability to reduce cholesterol and shed extra body fat. Thus, have incredible properties which people are using to change their bodies for the better. People using this supplement have found fantastic result. African tree is taking the world by storm. The result is phenomenon. Check out online and read valuable information and reviews at So, end your weight loss worry now and try this new phenomenon. Good luck!
What is African mango by the way? African Mango is the fruit of the Irvingino tree. This Asian tree in African based produces fruit, which is very similar in taste, size, texture and appearance to regular mango. It shown to have a powerful effect on the body's ability to reduce cholesterol and shed extra body fat. Thus, have incredible properties which people are using to change their bodies for the better. People using this supplement have found fantastic result. African tree is taking the world by storm. The result is phenomenon. Check out online and read valuable information and reviews at So, end your weight loss worry now and try this new phenomenon. Good luck!
Who is Joe Paterno?
Paterno, nicknamed "JoePa," holds the record for the most victories by an FBS football coach with 409 and is the only FBS coach to reach 400 victories. Imagine that???
Well I was watching the news couple of nights ago when I saw and heard about Joe Paterno. I first heard this name from a friend who live in Penn State. I asked my husband who is man Joe Paterno, and he answered me as if Joe-Pa is god. I heard and read the news about this contrversy and discover that Joe Paterno is indeed a legendary. Joe Paterno is Penn State. If you googled him, I'm sure you will find everything you want to know. But with the current controversy that tainted his name, it quickly added to his name and legacy. It's sad to know that a man worked his way to the top and a pervert person will dragged it down because of the media who have no mercy of putting Joe-Pa on fire without due process.
Where is the due process for Joe Paterno? The fact is that it is the media that lives in a cocoon! The media thinks that it gets to decide when it is okay to convict somebody without any due process. The media convicted him, and they also decided what his punishment should be. Nobody seems to have a problem with Sandusky getting due process, but not Joe-Pa. Come on!!! That man gave his life to Penn State, and because of the media lynch mob, he got fired without a chance to defend himself. That is why we have due process. We need to gather all the facts before we react and decide peoples fate. Shame on the media who clearly overstepped their bounds and got Joe Paterno fired
The legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno got his record-setting 409th win, the view of his storied, 46-year career suddenly is undergoing a stark revision -- tarnished by a child sexual abuse scandal at Penn State involving a former assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky. I read this at Today. The question is, why did they open this issue now when Joe Pa is already old and can't defend himself plus the media are just too much. I'm thinking there is someone behind the media who wants Joe Pa to stepped down and can't wait for the man to resigned. Gosh, this man is old and thi man really made Penn State as Penn State. He is not the one abuse the kids, there's no reason for the media for bringing his name to the mistake of other. A little respect to the old man because he did not do anything bad at all.
Paterno, nicknamed "JoePa," holds the record for the most victories by an FBS football coach with 409 and is the only FBS coach to reach 400 victories. Imagine that???
Joe Paterno - image not mine |
Where is the due process for Joe Paterno? The fact is that it is the media that lives in a cocoon! The media thinks that it gets to decide when it is okay to convict somebody without any due process. The media convicted him, and they also decided what his punishment should be. Nobody seems to have a problem with Sandusky getting due process, but not Joe-Pa. Come on!!! That man gave his life to Penn State, and because of the media lynch mob, he got fired without a chance to defend himself. That is why we have due process. We need to gather all the facts before we react and decide peoples fate. Shame on the media who clearly overstepped their bounds and got Joe Paterno fired
The legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno got his record-setting 409th win, the view of his storied, 46-year career suddenly is undergoing a stark revision -- tarnished by a child sexual abuse scandal at Penn State involving a former assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky. I read this at Today. The question is, why did they open this issue now when Joe Pa is already old and can't defend himself plus the media are just too much. I'm thinking there is someone behind the media who wants Joe Pa to stepped down and can't wait for the man to resigned. Gosh, this man is old and thi man really made Penn State as Penn State. He is not the one abuse the kids, there's no reason for the media for bringing his name to the mistake of other. A little respect to the old man because he did not do anything bad at all.
One of the most popular working uniform these days is a scrub or medical scrub. Imagine how many types of work related to medical and all of them has to wear scrub or the white uniform. But I have observed that scrub is what most of the nurses, doctors, dentist and even the one working in a doctors office have been wearing today. Perhaps, some of them bought their medical scrubs online like the website from this link Why don't you give it a quick visit and find out if you have anything there you might like. If your career is related to any medical job, then you start shopping at their store and take advantage of the discount medical scrubs for total savings.
If you want to flaunt your love for fashion then, Blue Sky Scrubs is the right place for your to check out. They have wide selection of medical scrubs with finest design, style and color. You can also find designer and branded scrubs that suits you. And you know what? Since holiday is coming buying a scrub for a friend can also be a good gift ideas. Just go to their website and browse around. I'm sure you can find the one you will like and feel fresh and smarter to use when going to work. You can buy it for less because if the discount and you will get the most out of it. So, what are you waiting for?
If you want to flaunt your love for fashion then, Blue Sky Scrubs is the right place for your to check out. They have wide selection of medical scrubs with finest design, style and color. You can also find designer and branded scrubs that suits you. And you know what? Since holiday is coming buying a scrub for a friend can also be a good gift ideas. Just go to their website and browse around. I'm sure you can find the one you will like and feel fresh and smarter to use when going to work. You can buy it for less because if the discount and you will get the most out of it. So, what are you waiting for?

Kim and NBA star Kris Humphries dating in December 2010, got engaged in May 2011, wed on August 20, 2011 and divorced on October 31, 2011.
Video source from
Kim and the rest of the Kardashians are public figures. They have strong family ties and they should since their family are kind of different among other families in Hollywood. People seen their TV series and I guess they know or have a clue what kind of family based on their reality TV shows. Kim Kardashian married at a very young age then got divorce. She's been in a lot of relationship that apparently did not last that long. Even her relationship to NFL star Reggie Bush, who she dated from April 2007 to July 2009 and then again from September 2009 to early 2010 was an on and off. Then she got married to Kris Humphries which only lasted 72 days. The tourist visa has 6 months to expired while fiancee visa has 3 months to expired therefore there marriage is a record breaker. The wedding controversy hasn't over yet and now here comes the divorce. Well, I'm sure they both not hurting today but more on embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. They will get over this issue soon.
Find out the The Many Men Of Kim Kardashian
I always have a thing for shoes. Although I am most comfortable wearing running shoes or sneakers, I have to admit that there are many times that I do surf online for some casual shoes. I enjoy looking at new designs and compare prices. I do shop for shoes online a lot, but there is nothing like fitting it yourself in a shoe shop. It’s important for me that I would be assured that the pair would fit me and that I won’t have blisters wearing them for a long time. But of course shoes online assure us of excellent quality and have did not have problems with what I have shopped so far.
Now that we are gearing up for the winter, I am actually contemplating of getting another pair of boots that would keep me warm for the cold weather. Winter has been a little bit early this year, so I guess the shopping would have to be a lot earlier, too!
I checked and I found these sorel shoes goodness they have such gorgeous designs it’s quite hard to pick on the one that I would really like. I love all their designs and would be so perfect for winter! I don’t have any doubt they won’t be comfortable. Sigh. I can only wish for at least 3 pairs!
Now that we are gearing up for the winter, I am actually contemplating of getting another pair of boots that would keep me warm for the cold weather. Winter has been a little bit early this year, so I guess the shopping would have to be a lot earlier, too!
I checked and I found these sorel shoes goodness they have such gorgeous designs it’s quite hard to pick on the one that I would really like. I love all their designs and would be so perfect for winter! I don’t have any doubt they won’t be comfortable. Sigh. I can only wish for at least 3 pairs!
Yesterday was the husband's birthday. As I have mentioned in my other blogs, the gifts for dad was already given two weeks prior to his birthday. He prefers cash actually as he can buy the things he wants with it. My husband is a very simple fine man although he has some perk and quirks but they're all manageable now. I asked him what material things he love to received on his birthday and he answered me nothing. But since I wanted a early birthday gift, I made a deal to gave him cash and a free body massage on his birthday as gift, but he also have to buy the gift I want. It went well and we both got gifts for each other even if my birthday is still a month away. As for Christmas gifts, I'm thinking of getting him his favorite chocolate. That gift would be from the kids to their Daddy. However, since Christmas is around the corner, my father requested for a pair of shoes as Christmas gift. Anyway, belated happy birthday babe!
Most celebrity I saw on TV and big screen love to wear glasses. Wearing sunglasses is their way of hiding their identity while in public blending in with the crowd. There are so many purpose and reason why they wear sunglasses and one of them is to hide their eye bags because of the lack of sleep and rest. Other reason is merely for fashion and trend. There is one celeb that comes to mind when it comes to sunglasses, and that would be Paris Hilton. Seems like she has all sizes of branded sunglasses. However, if you are into sunglasses for fashion and personal statement then you would want to check out as your one stop shop for branded eyeglasses and sunglasses for men and women.
Meanwhile, my brother love branded sunglasses and so is my other siblings. In fact in the family I am the only one who don't wear sunglasses too often. I can count the few instances that I wear sunglasses in public like 4th of July, vacation in Las Vegas and that was it. My sister gave me a nice and brand new Oakley sunglasses and that's the one I wear if I have to. It was few months ago when my brother asked me to buy him this polarized sunglasses from Oakley. The first question I asked was the price, and my jaw dropped to hear the number. For me, $400 is expensive already and that was the price he mentioned. I did not promised him to buy what he want but i asked my sister to look online or int he store near their place. I also did my own search online and found a website that has the same style and brand for the price that is twice as low as the original price. The sunglasses they have on displayed are all branded and original but the price is very affordable. My brother said that this polarized sunglasses was $400 in the store where he saw it but online it was only $210 plus free shipping, now do the math. Honestly speaking i have no clue why he finds this sunglasses cool and awesome. This is good for fashion and trend in my opinion. I guess sunglasses is for fashion after all.
Meanwhile, my brother love branded sunglasses and so is my other siblings. In fact in the family I am the only one who don't wear sunglasses too often. I can count the few instances that I wear sunglasses in public like 4th of July, vacation in Las Vegas and that was it. My sister gave me a nice and brand new Oakley sunglasses and that's the one I wear if I have to. It was few months ago when my brother asked me to buy him this polarized sunglasses from Oakley. The first question I asked was the price, and my jaw dropped to hear the number. For me, $400 is expensive already and that was the price he mentioned. I did not promised him to buy what he want but i asked my sister to look online or int he store near their place. I also did my own search online and found a website that has the same style and brand for the price that is twice as low as the original price. The sunglasses they have on displayed are all branded and original but the price is very affordable. My brother said that this polarized sunglasses was $400 in the store where he saw it but online it was only $210 plus free shipping, now do the math. Honestly speaking i have no clue why he finds this sunglasses cool and awesome. This is good for fashion and trend in my opinion. I guess sunglasses is for fashion after all.
One thing we could do to support cancer awareness is to use cancer awareness ribbons to let everyone know especially the cancer patient, victim and survivor that they're not alone. Cancer is a traitor illness. I remembered six years ago, my friend's aunt was brought to Cebu City for chemotherapy as one of the cancer treatment available. I'm familiar with the place so was there accompanying my friend's family during the whole treatment process. I saw how her health had deteriorating as well as her physical appearance like hair which is one of the symptoms of the treatment. So, they stayed in the city for months and rented a small apartment. By the time they went back home i was under the impression that the treatment was a success and that she will be better soon. I was shocked when my friend informed me that her aunt passed away. Imagine how traitor that illness is. You thought things will be better after the chemotherapy but surprisingly it's not. I find all the cancer victim who continue fighting and searching for cure. They are brave and courageous to face such agony. Let us help them find cure and support the research by buying cancer awareness ribbons.